“This new adaptation of Charlotte Bronte's classic has its magnitude from the present work to the coeval public which has no access to literature or ”
“This movie surely gave me food for thought to read the book and others by the Brontë sisters. An excellent drama on its own, though I fear judging it”
“Still fangirling over Michael Fassbender, I watched his other films. After falling for him first in X-Men: First Class (2011), rekindled it in Inglour”
“There were movies where Mia Wasikowska was the biological daughter of a sperm donor or a 19 year old returning to Underland, somewhere she had visited”
“Honestly, when I first heard of this movie, I had some rather mixed feelings. Indeed, again another adaptation of Charlotte Bronte’s book… Basical”
“Some mighty fine acting performances light up this otherwise routine romantic drama. The story might have been path breaking at the time the book was ”
“Jane Eyre, Charolette Bronte’s tri-fold genre novel, is a compulsively readable novel but covers so much territory that it proves highly problematic”